When shopping for auto insurance, it is important to work with an agent who will help you find a policy that satisfies your needs. There are two types of insurance agents: captive and independent.
The captive agents work for one insurance company and only sell their policies, while an independent agent works with various insurance carriers and sells policies from multiple insurance companies. Here are the advantages of working with an independent auto insurance agent.
You Are Exposed to Multiple Insurance Carriers
One of the notable advantages of working with an independent insurance agent is their access to multiple companies. The agent will give you several options from multiple companies. Therefore, you can compare different insurance carriers' rates and coverage types.
Furthermore, you only have to present your personal information once, and this saves you a lot of time. Independent car insurance agents will also save you time and money because they know which providers have the features you are looking for.
You Can Retain the Agent When You Switch Providers
When renewing your insurance policy, you should inform your independent agent about increased premiums so they can search for better rates. You may decide to switch to a company with lower rates.
Even when you switch to another insurance carrier, you can retain the same insurance agent. This allows you to form a strong relationship with an insurance agent regardless of which insurance company you choose.
You Are Assured of Better Communication
Excellent customer service involves flawless communication between the insurance agent, adjuster, and insured party. Customers often complain that insurance agencies take long to process their claims and don't communicate in the interim. This leaves clients worried about the status of their claims.
An independent insurance agent is keen on following up on a client's claim and ensuring it's processed quickly. Additionally, since the agent has a deep knowledge of the policies you have, they can flag mistakes or omissions an adjuster has made, which could result in your claim being denied.
You Get Personalized Service
Many independent car insurance agents are from your local community. Therefore, they get to know you as a person and advise you on the best policies. They also know about specific risks that apply to you and will ensure there are no gaps in your coverage.
Another top benefit of a local independent agent is that they respond immediately when you file a claim or have questions about your policy. Therefore, you don't have to worry about long waiting periods on the phone to talk to a captive agent in another state. Moreover, an independent agent will ensure your insurance is updated and help you seek new policies whenever you need them.
For more information, contact a local auto insurance agency.
Share25 May 2023
I have always been someone who loves to work hard for what they have, which is why I started paying attention to how I was protecting my investments. I realized that although I had great medical and dental insurance, my car needed a little extra protection. I started working hard to find an insurance policy that would work well for my needs, and before I knew it, I was able to sign up for a new policy. This blog is all about choosing a car insurance policy that works well for you and your family, so that you don't have to worry about falling short.