Insurance needs for a business are far different than any other insurance product, and if it is a food truck business you operate, your insurance needs can be even more complicated. When buying a policy, it is critical that you ask the right questions to ensure you end up with the most well-built insurance protection. Take a look at some of the important things to ask when you are shopping for commercial truck insurance for your food truck business.
Will you be covered if a customer gets food poisoning?
No restaurant owner ever plans on making a customer sick due to food poisoning, but those claims against an eatery can and do come up on a regular basis. In the event that something your food makes someone sick and they file a claim against you, you will need to know that you have enough insurance to cover such a claim so you don't lose your entire business. Check with any insurance provider you talk to in order to make sure such instances would be covered.
What happens if the food truck is vandalized?
Most food truck owners do keep their mobile business on their home property when it is not in use, but that is not always the case. You may be allowed to park your food truck on a local parking lot or you may be in a situation in which you have to leave your mobile eatery overnight. In the event the truck gets vandalized, you will need insurance coverage to restore whatever was damaged so you can get back to business. Most mobile food trucks will have coverage that protects them in the event of vandalism and you should as well.
Will you need extra insurance because of the stuff inside your truck?
Your business vehicle is not like most others; it contains a lot of money's worth of business equipment. If something happens to that equipment during an accident, you will need ample insurance coverage to help you restore what you lost. Most regular car insurance policies do cover damage to certain things, but you will need a sufficient business policy to actually cover business equipment that you are hauling around in your food truck. Likewise, it is best to ask if you need added coverage for anything that you haul or tow behind your truck.
These are just a few questions to ask. Contact local insurance agencies to ensure your business is properly protected.
Share12 September 2019
I have always been someone who loves to work hard for what they have, which is why I started paying attention to how I was protecting my investments. I realized that although I had great medical and dental insurance, my car needed a little extra protection. I started working hard to find an insurance policy that would work well for my needs, and before I knew it, I was able to sign up for a new policy. This blog is all about choosing a car insurance policy that works well for you and your family, so that you don't have to worry about falling short.