Feel like you're over-paying for your auto insurance coverage? If so, then it may be time to review your policy and see which discounts have been applied to your account. This is also a good time to review the discounts offered by your auto insurance company to ensure that you're taking full advantage of every one you're entitled to. While specific discounts offered can vary from one company to the next, there are a few to look for that could save you a substantial amount of money:
Safe-Driving Discount
More insurance companies these days have begun to offer discounts to policy holders with a great driving record. If you haven't been in an accident in the last several years or received any moving violations, you should be entitled to some kind of discount as a result. Ask your insurance company what their specific requirements are for claiming this discount, and you could begin saving immediately.
Multi-Policy Discount
If you have multiple insurance policies through a company--whether it be multiple auto insurance policies or even a home insurance policy--you could qualify for a multi-policy discount. This is many insurance company's way of getting people to purchase several policies through them at once. If you don't currently have all of your insurance needs (home, auto, renters, etc.) under one company, now may be the time to consider switching.
Good-Student Discount
If you're a full-time college student and paying for auto insurance, ask your insurance company whether they offer a good-student discount. Most will offer a discount for students who have an average of a "B" and have proof of full-time enrollment. If you're insuring a teen driver in your family and your teen gets consistently good grades in school, this discount may also apply, so be sure to ask your insurance company.
Low-Mileage Discount
If any of your vehicles tend to get less than 12,000 miles put on them each year, ask your insurance company if they offer a low-mileage discount for your vehicle. Because you're not out driving your vehicle often, it should be considered a lower risk and therefore be less expensive to insure. Just keep in mind that you will likely need to send proof of your odometer meeting once a year to your insurance company in order to maintain this discount.
By finding insurance discounts you may not have known about, you can make sure you're paying a fair price for your policy. Contact a company like Marcus Steven M Inc for more information and assistance.
Share1 September 2017
I have always been someone who loves to work hard for what they have, which is why I started paying attention to how I was protecting my investments. I realized that although I had great medical and dental insurance, my car needed a little extra protection. I started working hard to find an insurance policy that would work well for my needs, and before I knew it, I was able to sign up for a new policy. This blog is all about choosing a car insurance policy that works well for you and your family, so that you don't have to worry about falling short.